BLASTOISE: Squirtle's evolution line has gotten many upgrades in Pokémon Clockwork, but the two that stand out the most are its new ability Sniper, and its newly added type to its final evolution, Blastoise. Steel!

BUTTERFREE: Butterfree has gained boosts to a few of its stats as well as gained to the Psychic typing in place of its Flying type.

RAICHU: Unlike past games, Pichu no longer evolves from friendship. Instead, it evolves at level 15 into Pikachu and then Raichu with a Thunderstone. But not only has Raichu's stats been raised, but it has also gained an additional typing. Fairy!

NINETALES: Similar to Raichu, Ninetales has also gained another type. Ghost! With its new type and boosted stats, Ninetales is a Pokémon not to be messed with. Vulpix still evolves with a Firestone.

PERSIAN: Persian is another Pokémon that has been effected by "The Calamity," and has gained the Dark typing. With the ability Technician and access to the move Night March, Persian is a new found threat to anyone's team.

GOLDUCK: Golduck has gained boosts to a few of its stats as well as gained its well deserved Psychic typing due to the Calamity that occurred many years ago.

MAROWAK: Due to "The Calamity," that happened many years ago, Cubone has adapted the Ghost typing. Not only does it carry over to its evolution, but Marowak's stats have also been raised!

NOCTOWL: Noctowl is a Pokémon that has seen such little, if any, love since its debut in the Pokémon franchise. However, in Pokémon Clockwork, that isn't the case. Noctowl has gained the Psychic typing along side a raise in stats.

LEDIAN: Ledian has gained boosts to its Attack and Speed stats as well as gained the Fighting typing in place of its Flying type.

SUNFLORA: Sunflora has gained boosts to its Speed stats as well as gained the Fire typing with the ability, Drought.

YANMEGA: Yanmega has gained the Dragon typing in place of its Flying type due to the Calamity that occurred many years ago.

MASQUERAIN: Masquerain has gained boosts to its stats as well as gained the Water typing in place of its Flying type.

FLYGON: Flygon has gained the Bug typing in place of its Ground type due to the Calamity that occurred many years ago.

ALTARIA: Altaria has gained the Fairy typing in place of its Flying type due to the Calamity that occurred many years ago.

MILOTIC: Milotic has gained the Dragon typing due to the Calamity that occurred many years ago.

ABSOL: Absol has gained the Fairy typing due to the Calamity that occurred many years ago.

HUNTAIL: Huntail has gained the Dark typing due to the Calamity that occurred many years ago.

GOREBYSS: Gorebyss has gained the Fairy typing due to the Calamity that occurred many years ago.

LUXRAY: In Pokémon Clockwork, Luxray is stronger than ever. Not only have its stats been raised, but it's gained the Dark type too! It also has access to the ability Moxie with additions to its already good moveset.

LUMINEON: Lumineon has gained the Dark typing due to the Calamity that occurred many years ago.

In past installments in the Pokémon franchise, Eevee only had 3 evolutions that evolved with evolutionary stones. Although, in Pokémon Clockwork, every form of Eevee is obtainable through the usage of stones. Flareon is obtained by using a Firestone on Eevee. Jolteon is obtained by using a Thunderstone. Vaporeon is obtained by using a Waterstone. Umbreon is obtained by using a Dusk Stone. Espeon is obtained by using a Sun Stone. Leafeon is obtained by using a Leafstone, and Glaceon is obtained by using a Dawn Stone. Along side their new methods of evolution, we decided to raise their stats. But that's not where it ends. We also upgraded their movesets so that they could be even more fun to have on your team.
Hope you enjoy!

Rotom hasn't gained any new forms but has instead been upgraded like the rest of the Pokémon in this list. Not only has its stats for every form been slightly increased, but its forms also have new moves along side the ability Prankster! Rotom-Heat now learns the move Fire Blast instead of Overheat. Rotom-Frost learns the move Freezer Burn. Rotom-Fan learns the move Hurricane and Rotom-Mow learns the move Energy Ball which has been raised to base 100. Hopefully this upgrade to Rotom influences people to use forms other than the popular Rotom-Wash, that now learns Sharp Shot. Hope you enjoy!