This quest is available as soon as you have access to Stygian City. As soon as you get to this city, head to the northeast until you reach the Museum. If you look to the right, you'll see a little girl pacing back and forth, as her friend is late to meeting her. If you speak to her, she'll tell you about her friend that might be on Route 2. At this time you can find her friend on Route 2 being bullied by two Youngsters. Beat them and save the little
boy. Once you've done this, you can head back to the
girl by the Museum and claim your reward.
- Cherish Ball

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Grandorb City. As soon as you get to this city, head to the north until you reach a patch of grass. When you get there, head into the left-most house just above the patch of grass and you'll find a man sitting at a table. If you speak to him he'll tell you that he tried to capture a Shinx when he was younger, but to no avail. After hearing this, you'll need to head back to the patch of
grass right outside of the house and capture a Shinx.
Patience is key, as it has a 1% chance of appearing.
Although, if you happen to have a Pokémon with the
ability "Static", Electric-types encounter rate is
boosted to 50%. After catching Shinx, you can head
back to the man in the house and claim your reward
after showing him the Shinx in your party.
- Cherish Ball
- 2,000 Pokédollars

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Grandorb City. As soon as you get to this city, head to the northeast until you reach the stairs that lead to the upper-half of the city. Before heading up the second flight of stairs, make a left and you'll find an old man sitting on a bench by himself. If you speak to him, he'll tell you that you remind him of the type of trainer he was in his youth. After speaking to you, he'll ask if
you could battle him. You'll have time to prepare
before the battle starts so make sure you save prior to
accepting his invitation. After you've won the battle,
the old man will thank you for making him feel
youthful again and you'll be rewarded.
- Cherish Ball
- Dive Ball x3
- 4,000 Pokédollars

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Goldale Town but isn't able to be completed until a little later in the game. As soon as you get to this town, head to the south until you reach the town garden. Once you're there, you'll see a woman watering plants with her Cherubi. If you speak with her she'll tell you how much she loves Berries, but that she dosen't have any Cheri Berries. The earliest Cheri Berries in
that game are located in the Southern portion of Route
7. As soon as you get into the route, head north through
the giant patch of grass until you find a narrow passage
through the trees. At the end of the passage you'll
be greeted to some Cheri Berries. Once you're done
there, you can head back to Goldale Town and lend
the lady a single Cheri Berry and you'll be rewarded.
- Cherish Ball
- 20,000 Pokédollars

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Goldale Town. As soon as you get to this town, head to the south until you reach the town garden. Once you're there, head to the right and you'll find a balding old man. If you speak to him he'll tell you about the burglar who stole his Skitty a few moments ago. After accepting his request you'll need to head back to Route
3. Once you're there, make your way to the old lady's
house in the eastern part of the route. From there you'll
want to head south until you find a narrow passage in
the trees. Head through there and at the end you'll find
the burglar who stole the old man's Skitty. Defeat him
in battle and retrieve the Skitty. Once you've done that,
you can head back to Goldale Town and return the old
man's friend to receive your reward.
- Cherish Ball
- 5,000 Pokédollars

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Bewilder Forest. As soon as you get to this forest, head to the center where you'll find Stantler's Den. Once you've finished up with the children you'll be able to head to the northern most part of Stantler's Den where there is a narrow path that leads to another child. If you speak to him he'll explain to you that he is lost and asks if you can help him find his way out. At this
point you can immediately head back to Route 4 and
the child will reward you for helping him out the forest.
- Cherish Ball
- Big Root

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Quantary City but isn't able to be completed until a little later in the game. As soon as you get to this city, head to the PokéMart in the southeast. When you get there you'll see a man in front of the store counter. If you speak to him he'll introduce himself as, Mr. Thrifty, a representative of the PokéMart HQ. If you choose to join the scavenger hunt, he'll point you towards
three different items you'll need to collect. The first
one on the list is Silver Powder. This item can be
found by interacting with the only silver flower within
Woodloft Forest (It's in a room with 5 patches of
grass and a PokéCrate). The next item on the list is
Honey. Honey can be bought at an old lady's house
in Silvare Town. The last item on the list is only
obtainable after you give Mr. Thrifty the first two
items on the list. The final item you need is Stantler
Milk, which can be obtained in the Santler's Den in Bewilder Forest. To get the milk, you must battle one of the Stantler's and either win, catch it, or run away. After you've gotten the last item on the list, you have to head back to the PokéMart in Quantary City and give it to Mr. Thrifty, where you'll be rewarded for you work.
- Cherish Ball
- Unlocked: Mochi Donut

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Quantary City but isn't able to be completed until a little later in the game. As soon as you get to this city, head to the northeast until you find a fisherman fishing in a pond. If you speak to him he'll tell you that he's looking for a Totodile but can't find one. After telling you that, he asks you if you can check if they can be found in Woodloft Forest. When you're able to, head
to Woodloft Forest and start fishing until you find
yourself a Totodile. After you've caught one, head back
to Quantary City and show the man your new Totodile
to claim your rewards.
- Cherish Ball
- Water Stone
- 1,000 Pokédollars

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Route 5. Once you're here, head north until you find a woman sitting on a bench by herself. If you speak to her, she'll tell you that she wishes an Exeggcute would become one of her Pokémon. After hearing this, you'll be tasked with finding and Exeggcute. They can be found within the Route but have a 1% chance of actually appearing. After managing to capture one,
return to the lady on the bench with Exeggcute in
your team to be rewarded.
- Cherish Ball
- Leaf Stone

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Woodloft Forest. Once you're here, you'll have to search for the room that hosts a girl with an injured Vulpix by a pond. Once you find her, you can speak to her and she'll explain to you that her Vulpix was hurt while training and asks you if you can lend her a Super Potion. If you don't have a Super Potion at this point in the game, you can buy them from any PokéMart. When you give
her a Super Potion you'll be rewarded.
- Cherish Ball
- Fire Stone

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Silvare Town but isn't able to be completed until a little later in the game. When you get the the town, you're forced to attend the seminar about Mega Evolution in the Dojo. After the seminar concludes, you can enter the Dojo Master's room and question him about Mega Evolution. Doing this will lead the Master to grant you the Orb of Sealing. Not until you reach Lastelle Town will
you be able to use the orb. When you get to the bottom
of Lastelle Cave and enter the room with the dead end,
you'll find an empty pedestal where you can place the
Orb of Sealing after interacting with it. Once you've
placed the orb you can head back to the Dojo in Silvare
Town and talk to the Master to receive your rewards.
- Cherish Ball
- Mega Ring

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Route 7. When you get to this route, you'll find a little boy pacing beside a mossy rock as you traverse to the next town. If you speak to him he'll tell you that he lost his fruit basket somewhere on the route and asks if you can help him find it. After speaking to him, you need to head to the northern portion of Route 7 until you find a Snorlax blocking a path to the west. Just above the
Snorlax is a basket full of leftover fruit. If you interact
with the basket you'll retrieve the remains of the little
boy's basket. At this point you can head back to the
little boy on the southern portion of Route 7 and give
him the leftovers. He'll thank you for your effort by
rewarding you.
- Cherish Ball
- Leftovers

This quest only available after completing "A NEW RELEASE". As soon as you get to Lastelle town, head to the PokéMart in the east. When you get there you'll see Mr. Thrifty once again, in front of the store counter. If you speak to him he'll bring to your attention that there's a new scavenger hunt taking place and asks if you'd like to join again. After taking him up on his offer, you'll be pointed towards your first item on the list; a
Cocoa Seed. You can obtain this item by heading back to
the northern portion of Route 6 and defeating his friend,
who is hiding between some trees. Once you've gotten it,
head back to Mr. Thrifty in Lastelle Town to hand it to
him. The final item you'll need is some more Stantler
Milk. So head back to Bewilder Forest to deal with that.
After obtaining more milk, you can head back to Mr.
Thrifty to retrieve your rewards.
- Cherish Ball
- Unlocked: Red Bean Brownie

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Lastelle Town. When you get to this town, head towards the northeast until you arrive at the Pokémon Lab. When you're there, head to the
top floor and enter the side doors on the west wing of the Lab. If you go to the bottom of the room, you'll see a man pacing. If you speak to him, he'll tell you that he has a package that he
needs to deliver, but doesn't have the time to do so. So
heasks you if you could make the delivery for him. After
accepting his request, you need to head back to the
Quantary City PokéMart. When you get there, you'll see
a scientist sitting on a chair. Speak to him to deliver the
package and he'll give you a letter. Now you need to
head back to Lastelle Town to deliver the letter to the
scientist that gave you the package originally. After
doing that, the man will reward you for your work.
- Cherish Ball
- Black Belt

This quest is available as soon as you have access to Lastelle Town, but is only able to be completed after finishing the quest, "A NEW RELEASE". As soon as you get to this town, head to the Pokemon Lab and head upstairs. Once you're there, you'll want head into the side doors on the east wing of the Lab. When you're in there, you'll see a man at the bottom of the room. If you speak to him, he'll ask you if you've heard about
Mochi Donut's, then he'll go on to ask you to get
one for him for testing. If you haven't completed
"A NEW RELEASE" yet, then please do so.If you
have completed it, but don't have any more Mochi
Donut's, you can buy them from any PokéMart. As
soon as you have one, head back to the man to
receive your rewards.
- Cherish Ball
- 10,000 Pokédollars